Summer Reading
"Random Reading", 2024 summer reading program was a success with 24 readers registered and several others keeping reading logs. Many books were read, crafts done, literacy activities completed. Programs included Fairy House Workshop to kick off the summer, Marine Mammals of Maine's program "A Seal's Journey" in July, and Milkweed Puppet Theatre's show "Dandelion Girl" to end the summer and get back to school. Each week children picked out a book randomly to take home and keep, did a themed craft and other activities. Our themes this year included: fairy houses, Dogman, bugs, Popsicle People, and marine mammals. Thanks to all who participated, their parents, and our volunteers, especially Kim Wohlgemuth. Again this year the program was graciously underwritten by patron Margo Jackisch.

Graciously underwritten by Margo Jackisch
Fun with Science kits can be found in Library Catalog. Click picture and type in "Fun with Science Kits"

New Little Free Library at the Rec Field Playground
During summer 2024, a new Little Free Library was installed at the Five Road Rec Field Playground. Community members including Matthew and Kari Dorrbecker (Matt built the library), Pam Raulinaitis, Amanda Benwell, and others worked together with the Town of Carmel to make this happen. Books are supplied by community members and the Simpson Library. This will be open seasonally in spring, summer and fall.