Donors have contributed a total of over $554,400 to fund the construction and campaign costs. Because of the generousity of our donors, there will be funds remaining after construction which will be used to establish an endowment for the Library's future. All donations are tax deductible. -- The library is a 501c3 entity.
If you would like to contribute to the effort, please contact Evie Smith at 207 356 1811 or eviesmith3@roadrunner.com or contact Lee McCartin at mccartin@simpson.lib.me.us or the Library at 207 848-7145.

Debora Elliott Ward, Becky Ames and Marvin Graves remove the first shovelful of soil.

Wood in front of the Simpson Memorial Library after tree removal. We'll miss the beautiful trees but have to be able to access the side of the library for the new expansion.

The orange stakes let the backhoe operator know where to dig the foundation hole.

Debora Elliott Ward, Becky Ames and Marvin Graves remove the first shovelful of soil.
The Campaign for Simpson Memorial Library
Proud of Our Past ~ Building Our Future is a capital campaign that supports the construction of a new addition and renovations to the existing library building located at 36 Plymouth Road in
The addition will increase the size of the library from 800 square feet to 1,800 square feet. Construction began on September 1, 2015. (See floor plan below to the right.)

On September 1, 2015 the first digging occurred on the sewer plot.

All stumps are removed and caution tape is up.

The drain inside is being joined to the drainage outside the foundation, then both were connected to the street drainage.

On September 1, 2015 the first digging occurred on the sewer plot.
To read about the Groundbreaking Celebration on August 25, 2015 click here.
Follow construction progress in the photos to the left and previous work below.

The sidewalk and parking areas have been excavated and await fill and adjusting to correct elevations.

Slide shows groundwork on site.
Slide show above shows on-going progress.

Landscaping is nearly done on August 10.