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Volunteers are welcome and really add to the library experience.  Opportunities to help on a routine basis or for a one-time event or project.  Please talk to Miss Lee, the librarian, call 207-848-7145, email or FB message us.  We need your enthusiasm and ideas!!!  Above is Lucy, one of our Hermon High School volunteers.

Amazon Smile


Donate to the library just by shopping at Amazon.


AmazonSmile lets customers enjoy the same selection of products,  prices, and convenient shopping features as on The difference is that when customers shop on AmazonSmile (, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases to the charitable organizations selected by customers. So please consider the Simpson Memorial Library for your donation.


To access Amazon Smile simply use the URL instead of  You can link directly to Amazon Smile here.The first time you use the site it will ask you to choose an organization that benefits, and then you just do your shopping as usual.



Books:  We welcome book donations of 8-10 books or a small bag or box at a time.  For larger amounts, please call or come in PRIOR to bringing them in. All donated books are used to benefit the library.  Thanks.

Returnables  There is a receptacle in front of the library for returnable bottles and cans. Please do not deposit smashed cans.


Used Printer Ink Cartridges: We also collect printer ink cartridges to recycle and use the funds to buy supplies. Note: Please place them in a closed plastic bag, especially if you are placing them in the book drop.  


Bake Sales: also held periodically - typically the second Saturday of the month from September to  April.  Bakers are needed.  Call (848-7145) or email the library if you want to help. 

Thank you for supporting our fund raisers.

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Along with gifts such as books and returnables, monetary donations are always welcome.


All donations are tax deductible. --  The library is a 501c3 entity.  Donations can be directed to the Capital Campaign Fund (Expansion), Endowment Fund, memorial funds, book purchases or where most needed.


In addition you can Help Maine Libraries by using the check-off on 

your Maine State Tax Return!






Find us: 

8 Plymouth Road (Route 69)

P.O. Box 186

Carmel, ME 04419


Tuesday  10AM - 6 pm
Thursday  10am– 6pm
Saturday  9am – 1pm

© 2010-2015 Simpson Memorial Library

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