Catalog Information
A world of information is waiting for you. Simpson Memorial Library is a member of the Maine Balsam Library Consortium of school and public libraries in Central Maine. This means you can use the Balsam catalog to search for materials in our library or in the many members of the Balsam Library System, including nearby libraries in Corinna, Newport and Dexter.
You may log onto the Balsam site using your fourteen digit library card number on the back of your library card. Call, or ask at the Library, for your personal password to enter the system the first time. Your account will allow you to search the Simpson Memorial Library catalog, put items on hold, renew items, request notification when an item of interest is acquired by the library system and change your personal information as needed. LINK FOR CHILDREN'S SECTION

Inter-Library Loan
You may also search all libraries that are part of the Balsam Library Consortium. Items in other libraries may be obtained through an INTER-LIBRARY LOAN and are delivered free of charge by our courier service. However: all loan requests must be made through Simpson Memorial Library and NOT from the lending library. Contact our Library Director, Becky Ames for more information and help.

E-Reader and Audio Books
The Simpson Memorial Library is pleased to offer access to the Maine InfoNet Download Library.
You can borrow either downloadable audio books for transfer to devices such as an iPod or other MP3 player, or eBooks for use on devices such as an iPad/iPhone, Kindle, Nook, Sony eReader and Kobo, among others.
To log in, go to You will need your 13-digit SML library card number (the bar code on the back of your card) in order to log in.
You can use these downloadable instructions on logging in.
For additional help, when you are on the InfoNet site, click the help button.
Access is available thanks to a grant from the Rose and Samuel Rudman Library Trust Fund and local matching fundraising.
Want to know if your favorite author has a new book or other books?
Want to know if the series you're reading has more books?
Want a brief summary of a new book?
The answers to these and many more questions can be found using DIGITAL MAINE LIBRARY. Thousands of magazines, newspapers, and reference books are available anywhere in the State of Maine through the online resources of DIGITAL MAINE LIBRARY. Most items can be obtained free of charge at Simpson Memorial Library using our iNTER-LIBRARY LOAN courier service. If you need assistance to register contact the Library. Click the book icon above for information on how to register with MAINE DIGITAL LIBRARY.